Friday, March 18th
12:09 p.m. Theft, Lloyd Lot
A student reported that his motor scooter was taken from Lloyd Lot. The student did not want to file a police report. At 2155 hrs, the student called to report he found his scooter at Gummere Hall.
12:44 p.m. Suspicious Persons, Kim Hall
A staff member reported that a group of males, 13-15 years old, were wandering inside of Kim Hall. Officers searched area with negative results.
Saturday, March 19th
11:05 p.m. Noise Complaint, Kim Hall
A student notified Campus Safety of loud music coming from the second floor of Kim Hall. Students in the area were asked to turn down the music and complied.
Sunday, March 20th
12:17 a.m. Alcohol Related Illness, Gummere Hall
A report was received of a student suffering from an alcohol related illness. The student was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital via ambulance. The Nurse on Call and Graduate Assistant were notified.
12:34 a.m. Alcohol Related Illness, 18 Hannum Drive
A Quaker Bouncer notified Campus Safety of an alcohol related illness outside of 18 Hannum Drive. The patient was a non-Haverford College student. Officers requested an ambulance and the individual was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital via ambulance.
12:50 a.m. Safety Hazard, 15 Hannum Drive
An officer extinguished a bonfire found lit in a grill in front of 15 Hannum Drive.
1:06 a.m. Alcohol Related Illness, Gummere Hall
A student requested Campus Safety on location for an alcohol related case in Gummere. The patient was found to be a Bryn Mawr College student. The Bryn Mawr student was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital via ambulance.
1:55 a.m. Noise Complaint, Leeds Hall
An anonymous caller notified Campus Safety of loud music coming from Leeds, section 211. Officers found a radio on and requested for the music to be turned down. Students complied.
9:21 p.m. Student Prank, Sharpless Hall
A student reported that he received a text which indicated that someone was going to “rob a Bio lab” in Sharpless Hall. Campus Safety checked the science complex for a suspect with negative results. Further investigation of the incident determined that another Haverford sent the text as a prank.
Monday, March 21st
12:29 p.m. Theft, Campus Center
A gift bag was taken by an unidentified woman from the info desk at the Campus Center.
11:45 p.m. Noise Complaint, 800 Ardmore Ave
A caller complained of loud music coming from 800 Ardmore Ave. Upon Officers arrival, no loud music or noise was heard coming from building.
Wednesday, March 23rd
4:17 p.m. Safety Hazard, Barclay Hall
A report was received of students on the balcony at Barclay Hall. They were asked to go inside and complied.
6:24 p.m. Suspicious Activity, Kim Hall
A student reported the odor of marijuana burning in the area of Kim Hall. Officers were unable to locate an odor.
11:19 p.m. Suspicious Activity, Kim Hall
A second report was received of an odor of marijuana burning in the area of Kim Hall. Officers were unable to locate an odor.
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