Attendance: Grant, Jorge, Emma, Julia, Julie, Jesse, Ben, Claire, Kelly, Tim
1. Check-in: Plenary Debrief
2. Co-President Updates/Wrapping Up!
3. Save the Date!
4. Elections!!!!
Check-in: Plenary Debrief
Jorge: First we are going to check in and see how was plenary. Any feedback, comments, things that could have gone better. Let’s do position check ins first though.
Grant: Kabir is not here, but we sent the email out this week with the committee report. We are pretty excited that we finished that. I talked to Kabir and we both thought plenary went really well. I was surprised we reached quorum so quickly considering the less advertising compared to the fall.
Emma: Thea is not here today. We are still planning for the skate house opening and have been in touch with facilities. Also, we will probably meet with Scott later this week to keep going over the poster policy. Plenary I think went really well, it was super convenient to have the ethernet cables to take minutes.
Julia: Plenary went very smoothly. Me and Jesse had a great time in the satellite room. We were never below 40 people. For updates, the international student lounge opening was on Thursday and it went amazing. I will send photos of it. We had like 30-35 people that came and went throughout the two hours. We finished all the food.
Ben: I think plenary went quite well. The only thing I am a little worried about is we spent a lot of the time hovering ten people over quorum. We got to keep in mind we cut it really close. Also I don’t know what happened with the honor code, and how we did not vote on it during plenary. In terms of officer updates, we had a meeting about the strike remembrance panel with Jorge and Maria.
Julie: For me, I thought merch went pretty well at plenary. We had a lot of extra stuff. I think that one of the things I was confused about was why Scott and Wendy were sitting at our table the whole time. In terms of advertising we had a bit of a hard time because everyone was really buddy. In the future putting more people on advertising would be helpful to poster or table. Voting for the skate house artwork competition is ending tomorrow. If you want to vote the link is on insta and the Hurford and Arboretum pages. I also met with this guy from this organization called Sonic Connections. They doevents related to music and mental health. I was confused but it could be interesting to collaborate with them in the future.
Jesse: No officer updates. For plenary, I was concerned with the sensitive nature of the topics we would be covering but I think everyone was really respectful and we did a good job mediating. I also think everyone really liked the merch this year.
Claire: Position updates, I have been finishing up position check ins. I have also been making edits to the website. I think plenary went well in the satellite room
Tim: I also thought plenary went well. I wasn’t there because I was sick. For position updates, Erin and Anagha and I met with the new co-treasurers to go over processes and I think it was really productive.
Kelly: All events have been going really great. SECS is getting EMS requests. Spring Formal is April 5th at 9pm to 12am at the DC basement so there will be carnival games, music, food, and more. SECS Co-head application is out for next year ( It is due this Friday at 5 pm. 2 more emails will come out from SECS to describe the rest of the events we have (we have a lot of events still left haha). I think Plenary went well.
Co-President Updates / Wrapping up
Jorge: For me and Maria’s updates, we are scheduling our last guests for exec Boards. We are going to meet with the new presidents to share all of the info they need to have. We will be meeting with the librarians a lot to make sure everything is passed down. We are still meeting with Wendy and will start bringing the new presidents. So we are slowly transitioning. If you have any little projects get those documented so that they can be passed down to the new council. We have a document we need everyone to fill out by April 21, with all of the information about your position that needs to be passed down. April 21 will be our first general StuCo meeting. Be super honest about your responsibilities and how many hours a week you worked. Be super informal; it’s just for the next council member to read. Say what is realistic and what’s not, and any challenges you faced. Also write about next steps. If you guys are getting re-elected you don’t have to fill out the document yet.
Save the Date!
Jorge: Now let’s move on to save the date. We have April 13, when the class reps are trying to have the strike remembrance panel. We want to make it something really chill. We are going to have a conversation with some seniors and key players and we can also invite people who are very involved in student activism on campus right now. I encourage you guys to be there. On the 7th and 14th we will not have StuCo general meetings. I recommend you work on your reflections. Our last general StuCo meeting is the 21st. Please tell everyone that isn’t here about the reflections. On Friday April 26, that is when we are planning to have the skate house opening. I went to see it yesterday and it looks really nice. They have artwork on the walls and AC. It’s really cute. We were thinking of making a plaque to put above the fireplace that says StuCo 2024 to commemorate our work. There will be food and merch and senior stoles. We will be celebrating the seniors and all the work that everyone has done. All StuCo business will be over on April 21. For the strike remembrance we are thinking of having it from 5-6pm.
Jorge: Moving onto elections, they will open at the beginning of April I think. New members will be invited to the skate house opening. I think plenary went great, it went pretty smooth.I want to address, we talked to Wendy about signing the resolutions. We are still waiting on that and hope to get that by May. Wendy and Scott were sitting at the merch table because I think they were just trying to stay in the corner. Some things have been brought up to us, including James House, party spaces. All of these things we will be telling them to wait until next semester. Any questions? Okay that is it then.
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