Friday, February 25th
8:20 a.m. Personal Injury KINSC
A student injured their hamstring in Gooding Arena. They refused EMS and transport to Health Services and stated they would follow up later.
Saturday, February 26th
12:23 a.m. Alcohol Related Illness Leeds Hall
Campus Safety saw a student walking with assistance to her dorm. The student informed Campus Safety she had three mixed drinks. After being assessed by the on-call EMT, the student was able to remain on campus. Health Services and the Dean on Call were notified.
Sunday, February 27th
3:44 p.m. Vehicle Accident College Ave
Campus Safety was notified that a car struck a pole in front of 715 College Avenue. PECO was on location earlier and cordoned off the area. There does not appear to be any damage to college property. Haverford Police had responded earlier in the day.
5:15 p.m. Property Damage Walton Road
A student reported someone damaged the bumper of his car within the past few days. It is currently unknown how the damage occurred.
Wednesday, March 2nd
5:30 p.m. Assist Police Campus Wide
Lower Merion Police called Campus Safety and reported that there was a missing juvenile, 8 years of age who was wearing a blue sweat suit with red hearts that was supposed to get off the school bus at W. Spring Lane at 1630 hours. The child could not be located. A search of campus was made with negative results. Police notified Campus Safety an hour later that the child was found; she is with her father.
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