Saturday, January 23rd
12:51 a.m. Noise Complaint, 19 Hannum Drive
A complaint was received of loud noise coming from the area of 19 and 23 Hannum Drive. Officer found an air conditioner in a back bedroom of a 19 Hannum Drive apartment which was running and making a lot of noise. The air conditioner was turned off and the noise ceased.
7:30 p.m. Unauthorized Use, HCA Garages
Students were found on the roof tops of the Haverford College garages in the rear of HCA 50. The students left the area at the request of Campus Safety.
Sunday, January 24th
12:26 a.m. Alcohol Related Illness, 26 Hannum Drive
A report was received of a student who was suffering from an alcohol related illness at 26 Hannum Drive. The student was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital by ambulance. The Nurse on Call and Graduate Assistant were notified.
1:16 p.m. Unauthorized Activity, Lloyd Green
A caller reported that individuals were burning materials in front of HCA 10. Officer reported a very small fire surrounded by snow, which was extinguished.
5:22 p.m. Suspicious Activity, Gummere Hall
A student reported someone smoking marijuana in the 2nd/3rd sections of Gummere Hall. Officer checked the area and reported he detected a strong odor of marijuana from the second section basement. No suspects found in the area.
Tuesday, January 26th
3:03 a.m. Parking Matter, Carter Road
A student notified dispatch that her car was stuck in the snow on Carter Road, near Comfort Hall. The student became verbally abusive towards assisting officers and left the area traveling the wrong way on a one-way street. The matter was referred to the Dean’s Office.
Thursday, January 28th
12:34 p.m. Personal Illness, Barclay Hall
An ill student was transported to the emergency room by ambulance. Dean and Health Services notified.
3:13 p.m. Suspicious Activity, Gummere Hall
A student reported an odor of smoke, either from cigarettes or marijuana, in the third section of Gummere Hall. Officer checked the building and did not detect an odor.
4:19 p.m. Suspicious Person, Barclay Hall
A report was received of a suspicious person on the first floor of Barclay Hall. Person was identified as a staff member of IITS.
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