Friday, November 14th
10:18 p.m. Investigate Auto Walton Road
Campus Safety found a blue Subaru Impreza parked on Walton Road. Vehicle’s right front door was open. Vehicle was unattended and not registered. Door secured.
11:57 p.m. Fire Alarm Lunt Hall
An alarm activation was received for Lunt Hall. The cause of activation was marijuana smoke.
Saturday, November 15th
2:21 a.m. Suspicious Persons Kim Hall
A student from Kim Hall called about a group of people trying to enter second floor of Kim Hall whom she did not recognize. She told them that they could not come in. Officers found five people in area and identified them as members of the CHAS conference.
10:25 p.m. Suspicious Person Lloyd Green
A report was received of a suspicious person in the area of Lloyd Green. Officers responded and located a male who was attending the concert in Roberts Hall.
10:44 p.m. Noise Complaint Lloyd Hall
A report was received of loud music coming from Lloyd section 4. The music was turned down by students when requested.
Sunday, November 16th
7:38 p.m. Personal Illness College Ave.
Delaware County police radio advised that an ambulance was responding to a college-owned residence on College Ave. Resident was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital by ambulance.
Monday, November 17th
11:58 p.m. Safety Hazard 14 Hannum Drive
A student from HCA 14 reported a heavy odor of gas in the building. Facilities and PECO were notified. The building was evacuated and two heaters in the basement were shut down. Students in two apartments were temporarily relocated until repairs can be made.
Tuesday, November 18th
11:51 a.m. Safety Hazard INSC
A report was received of someone trapped in an elevator in the INSC. The doors were opened by Campus Safety; the passenger was unharmed. The elevator was turned off until repairs could be made by a Facilities contractor.
Thursday, November 20th
2:14 p.m. Vandalism Barclay Hall
Unknown individuals broke the lock on the door leading to Barclay’s attic. Facilities was notified for repairs.
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