Friday, September 28th
12:49 p.m. Personal Injury Carter Road
A campus visitor fell in the Blue Bus area near Stokes Hall causing a large laceration to the face. EMS was dispatched, but the visitor refused transport by ambulance. Campus Safety transported the visitor to Bryn Mawr Hospital.
2:30 p.m. Personal Injury Coursey Road
A professor reported being struck in the arm by a passing golf cart on the sidewalk in front of the Campus Center. The faculty member declined medical treatment.
Saturday, September 29th
10:58 a.m. Animal Matter South Lot
A campus visitor reported a lost Labrador Retriever on campus. The dog was found and given to Haverford Township Police, who held it for the owner who was enroute to pick it up.
10:54 p.m. Noise Complaint 19 Hannum Drive
A call was received from Haverford Township Police about a noise complaint at 19 Hannum Dr. Campus Safety officers and Haverford police responded and spoke to students.
Sunday, September 30th
12:00 a.m. Alcohol Related Illness Hall Building
A report was received of graffiti on a post between Hall Building and Magill Library. The writing was illegible and written in chalk. It was removed.
1:58 a.m. Disturbance Kim Hall
A report was received of two students arguing loudly in Kim Hall. Officers responded and spoke with the students. A second call was received at 2:27 a.m.; the couple was separated for the night.
2:05 a.m. Alcohol Related Illness HCA Trail
A student was discovered vomiting due to alcohol consumption on the HCA trail. The student was checked by the on-call EMT and was permitted to remain on campus. The student was transported to Gummere Hall by Campus Safety.
3:20 a.m. Alcohol Related Illness Gummere Hall
A caller stated that their friend had been vomiting for the past few minutes in Gummere Hall. The student was checked by the on-call EMT and was permitted to remain on campus.
9:00 p.m. Safety Hazard 10 Old Railroad Ave
A resident at 10 Old Railroad was stuck inside the apartment. The door was sticking and extremely hard to open. The on-call Facilities person was contacted to repair the door.
Monday, October 1st
4:01 p.m. Theft Gummere Hall
A student reported four silver rings were missing from the floor outside of her dorm room at Gummere. She declined to make a police report.
4:40 p.m. Personal Injury Carter Road
A call was received regarding a runner who was said to have fallen along the Yarnall Bridge near Carter Road. The person was running, fell and twisted her ankle. The female is a student at Irwin Agnes School and was picked up by her coach. Medical treatment was refused.
Tuesday, October 2nd
11:28 a.m. Theft Campus Center
It was discovered that a female had used a stolen credit card to purchase items from the Bookstore. The card had been stolen from a Haverford student while at Bryn Mawr College. Investigation ongoing.
11:50 a.m. Theft Sharpless Hall
A report was received of four tickets to an amusement park stolen from an office on the fourth floor of Sharpless Hall. The tickets had been placed in an envelope and slid under the door.
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