Saturday, September 16th
10:35 a.m. Animal Complaint South Lot
A campus visitor called about a dog left unattended in a vehicle. The visitor had called Haverford Township Police. Police determined that the dog was not in distress, therefore no action was taken. The vehicle was moved by 1123 hrs.
6:17 p.m. Personal Illness Dining Center
A catering staff member experienced a possible seizure while working in the Dining Center. The staff member was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital by ambulance.
10:49 p.m. Alcohol Related Illness Barclay Hall
A student was transported from Barclay Hall to Bryn Mawr Hospital by ambulance (alcohol related). The Nurse on Call and Graduate Assistant were advised.
11:55 p.m. Alcohol Related Illness Campus Center
A report was received of a student who was ill from alcohol consumption at the Campus Center. After speaking with the Nurse on Call, the student was permitted to remain on campus. The Graduate Assistant was notified.
Sunday, September 17th
12:55 a.m. Alcohol Related Illness Barclay Hall
A report was received of a student who was vomiting after drinking alcohol at Barclay Hall. After speaking with the Nurse on Call, an ambulance was requested. EMT’s checked the student and student signed a waiver not to go to the hospital. The nurse and Graduate Assistant were notified.
1:38 a.m. Alcohol Related Illness Gummere Hall
A report was received of a student in Gummere Hall who was vomiting after drinking alcohol. After speaking with the Nurse on Call, the ill student was permitted to remain on campus. The Graduate Assistant was notified.
2:35 a.m. Alcohol Related Illness 19 Hannum Drive
A student was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital by ambulance with an alcohol related illness. The Nurse on Call and Graduate Assistant were notified.
4:21 p.m. Animal Matter Nature Trail
Haverford Township Police reported an injured dog in the area of the Nature Trail and the soccer field. The owner was able to catch her dog and take it to the vet.
Tuesday, September 19th
6:56 p.m. Bicycle Theft 19 Hannum Drive
A student reported the theft of a blue and white Huffy Mountain bike. The bike was locked and parked at the bike shed near 19 Hannum Drive. The theft occurred sometime between 1600 hours yesterday and 0830 hrs. today.
Wednesday, September 20th
4:44 p.m. Animal Complaint Squash Courts
A student reported a dead rabbit in the bushes near the squash court entrance. Officer responded and removed the rabbit.
11:45 p.m. Personal Illness Lunt Cafe
A report was received of a student who had passed out at the Lunt Café. After speaking with the nurse, the student was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital E.R. via Campus Safety.
Thursday, September 21st
10:16 a.m. Suspicious Person HCA Trail
A staff member observed a male acting strangely at the south end of the HCA Trail. The male was last seen by Campus Safety exiting campus onto County Line Road.
2:32 p.m. Property Damage Dining Center
A Dining Center manager reported that a vehicle had struck the loading dock at the rear of the Dining Center causing substantial damage. No injuries reported.
11:57 p.m. Noise Complaint 19 Hannum Drive
A report was received of loud music coming from HCA 19. Music was turned down upon request.
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