Saturday, April 21st
12:50 a.m. Noise Complaint 11 Hannum Drive
A loud noise complaint was received for HCA 11. Occupant was asked to turn down his music and agreed to do so.
1:05 a.m. Alcohol Related Illness Kim Hall
A report was received of an unresponsive male passed out on the first floor of Kim Hall. Officers dispatched to location along with the EMT. An ambulance was summoned and transported the student to Bryn Mawr Hospital. The Graduate Assistant notified.
4:31 p.m. Vandalism INSC
A report was received of water running and flooding in a bathroom on the second floor of the INSC. A Facilities worker responded and determined that a toilet had been vandalized by someone. Repairs were made.
Sunday, April 22nd
11:51 a.m. Personal Injury South Lot
A visiting female fell in the South Lot, injuring her nose. An ambulance was notified and treated the female. She refused to be transported to the hospital.
Monday, April 23rd
2:46 a.m. Personal Injury Jones Hall
A student was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital with a laceration on left side of his forehead. Voicemail was left for the Graduate Assistant on call. Student returned at 0554 hrs.
Tuesday, April 24th
5:00 p.m. Personal Illness 800 Ardmore Ave
Haverford police received a report from an outside source that a student was experiencing a personal crisis. Student taken to Bryn Mawr Hospital by police.
11:55 p.m. Vehicle Accident Lloyd Lot
Student reported that a vehicle was stuck on a broken light post. Officer responded to assist. Tow truck was called to service the disabled vehicle.
Wednesday, April 25th
8:58 p.m. Personal Illness Fitness Center
A student worker reported a student having a seizure in the Fitness Center. The student did not require medical attention.
Thursday, April 26th
9:54 a.m. Vandalism INSC
A Facilities employee reported that someone had vandalized a toilet on the second floor of the INSC. The vandalism is believed to have occurred sometime overnight.
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