Saturday, April 14th
4:02 a.m. Noise Complaint Lloyd Hall
An anonymous caller notified Campus Safety of loud music coming from the outside area of Lloyd Section 5. Area was searched with negative results.
6:02 p.m. Disturbance Baseball Field
Facilities manager requested for a disorderly male to be removed from the stands at the baseball game. Officers spoke with the male (a Haverford student), advised him of the complaint and asked him to leave the area. The male complied without incident.
10:53 p.m. Noise Complaint Kim Hall
A noise complaint was received for a party in Kim Hall. A large party was in progress on the upper level with large speakers in use. No host was present to take responsibility. Party shut down by officers.
11:15 p.m. Noise Complaint 19 Hannum Drive
Noise complaint of loud music and loud voices coming from HCA 19. Students were asked to turn the music down and complied without incident.
Sunday, April 15th
12:14 a.m. Vandalism Founders Green
Numerous pinwheels placed in Founder’s Green for Pinwheel Day were knocked over and destroyed. It is unknown when the vandalism occurred.
Wednesday, April 18th
8:15 a.m. Suspicious Person Campus Center
A report was received of an older male taking pictures of students in the Campus Center. The male was located and identified. He was escorted from campus.
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