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Security Summary 12/7 – 12/13

Friday, December 7th

11:55 p.m.

Alcohol Related Illness

22 Hannum Drive

A student requested Campus Safety and EMT assistance at HCA22 for an intoxicated student. Ambulance called to scene. The student was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital for treatment by Narberth Ambulance. The Graduate Assistant was notified.

Sunday, December 9th

1:45 a.m.

Golf Cart Theft

50 Hannum Drive

A student took the student escort’s golf cart while it was unattended and drove across campus. Student stopped by Campus Safety, but the student sped away again. The vehicle was later retrieved. Captain and Graduate Assistant notified.

2:04 a.m.

Noise Complaint

19 Hannum Drive

A caller stated that a party at HCA 19 has gotten too noisy. Music was turned off; the party was shut down.

Monday, December 10th

12:37 p.m.


Lunt Hall

Someone attempted to gain entry to the mechanical room in Lunt basement by prying the latch. The door was damaged in the process.

Wednesday, December 12th

5:23 p.m.

Suspicious Auto

College Lane

Faculty member reported a reckless driver on College lane. Officer located the driver on College circle and advised them of the complaint. Driver was escorted to their delivery location.

Thursday, December 13th

10:15 a.m.

Personal Illness

23 Hannum Drive

Campus Safety responded to 22 Hannum Drive for a student experiencing a psychiatric emergency. EMS was notified and transported the student to Bryn Mawr Hospital. CAPS and Deans Office were notified.

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