Friday, January 17th
8:43 p.m. Suspicious Activity 804 Ardmore Ave
A returning Bryn Mawr student reported that she found her roommate’s bedroom door unlocked. Officers checked the apartment and secured the area.
Saturday, January 18th
6:38 p.m. Vandalism Ryan Gym
Officer discovered that an unknown person discharged a fire extinguisher and caused other damage in the men’s room located in the basement of Ryan Gym.
Sunday, January 19th
12:16 a.m. Alcohol Illness 42 Hannum Drive
A report was received of a student who was experiencing an alcohol related illness at HCA 42. Student was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital by ambulance. The Dean on Call was notified and given the student’s information.
2:26 a.m. Intrusion Alarm Morris Infirmary
A panic alarm was received for the infirmary. Officers checked the building and found it to be secure and unoccupied.
4:53 a.m. Property Damage 808 Ardmore Ave
Several trouble alarms were received for 808 and 812 Ardmore Ave. A damaged smoke detector was discovered on the second floor of 808 Ardmore Ave. The detector was removed.
6:11 a.m. Request for Assistance Dining Center
A report was received of a staff member who was stuck inside the elevator at the Dining Center. Responding officers were able to free the employee. A maintenance request was made for Facilities to have the elevator checked.
Monday, January 20th
3:44 p.m. Fire Alarm Jones Hall
Officers responded to Jones Hall second floor for a fire alarm. An activated detector was found in the hallway. The cause of the activation was a student using a candle to deodorize the room and it burned a cosmetic bag. The student extinguished the bag in the hallway sink.
11:56 p.m. Fire Alarm Comfort Hall
Two alarm activations at Comfort Hall were caused by marijuana smoke in a third floor common room.
Tuesday, January 21st
12:51 a.m. Alcohol Illness Barclay Hall
A report was received of a student who was experiencing an alcohol related illness at Barclay Hall. The student was permitted to remain on campus and be watched over by other students.
11:12 a.m. Vehicle Accident Walton Road
A Facilities staff member, driving a college vehicle slid on the snow and struck a Housekeeping vehicle near the Facilities complex. Both vehicles sustained minor damage. No injuries reported.
11:25 a.m. Personal Injury INSC
A student was injured when she fell in the rear of the rotunda of the INSC. Student refused treatment from EMS personnel and was transported back to her dorm by Campus Safety.
12:22 p.m. Vehicle Accident South Lot
A staff member driving a college vehicle struck a parked student’s vehicle in the South Lot. The owner of the parked vehicle was notified.
Thursday, January 23rd
10:34 p.m. Vehicle Accident Carter Road
A student hit another student’s car, causing minor damage to it. The student of the striking vehicle contacted the owner of the vehicle which was hit. Campus Safety also notified the student.
1:18 a.m. Alcohol Illness Carter Road
Officer reported finding a student vomiting inside another student’s car which was parked on Carter Road near Harris Road. The student was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital via ambulance. The Nurse on Call and the Graduate Assistant were notified.
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