Friday, October 4th
2:30 p.m. Suspicious Person INSC
An individual entered a lab in the INSC and attempted to hand out business cards. The individual had left the area prior to the arrival of Campus Safety.
10:38 p.m. Noise Complaint 812 Ardmore Ave.
A commercial resident at 812 Ardmore Ave. complained of loud noise coming from another commercial residence in the building. The noise seemed to have ceased upon the arrival of Campus Safety. The tenant came to the door after a few minutes and was advised of the complaint.
Sunday, October 6th
12:05 a.m. Alcohol Illness Gummere Hall
Officers responded to a report of a student who was experiencing an alcohol related illness. The Nurse on Call spoke to the student, who was allowed to stay on campus and be watched over by a sober friend. The Graduate Assistant was notified.
1:26 a.m. Alcohol Illness Gummere Hall
A report was received of a student who was experiencing and alcohol related illness. The Nurse on Call allowed the student to stay on campus and to be watched over by a fellow student. The Graduate Assistant was notified.
Monday, October 7th
7:31 p.m. Noise Complaint Lunt Hall
A report was received of loud music coming from the second or third floor of Lunt Hall. Officer advised residents of complaint and to turn down the music.
Tuesday, October 8th
6:19 a.m. Vandalism Campus Center
A housekeeper reported that obscene and threatening words had been written on the first floor wall near the Admissions Office. The words were hidden by a chair and it is unknown how long the writing had been there.
Wednesday, October 9th
11:40 p.m. Harassment HCA Trail
A Bryn Mawr College student reported that six males drove past in a silver convertible and were making lewd comments towards her. The vehicle could not be located by Campus Safety. Bryn Mawr Campus Safety notified.
Thursday, October 10th
8:41 p.m. Suspicious Activity Founders Hall
A staff member reported that she could smell the odor of marijuana while walking from the rear of Founders Hall towards the Lloyd Lot. Campus Safety checked the area with negative results.
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