Sunday, October 20th
1:40 a.m. Alcohol Illness Drinker
Officer reported an alcohol related illness at Drinker. A student was transported to the hospital by ambulance. The Dean on Call was notified.
Monday, October 21st
12:03 p.m. Bicycle Theft Gummere Hall
Student reported that her unsecured bicycle was removed from the Gummere bike shed sometime before fall break. No police report filed.
Tuesday, October 22nd
1:40 p.m. Safety Hazard 34 Hannum Drive
A student reported an odor of gas at 34 Hannum Drive. The Safety Coordinator responded and reported the odor was likely exhaust fumes coming from a heater. Facilities was notified.
Wednesday, October 23rd
4:40 a.m. Suspicious Activity Duck Pond Lane
A student reported hearing what sounded like screaming coming from the area of South Lot. Area was searched with negative results. The noise was possibly made by a fox.
6:19 a.m. Suspicious Person Gummere Hall
A report was received of a male wearing jeans and sweatshirt with a backpack standing on the walkway behind Gummere Hall, looking at the windows. Officers checked the area and found no one fitting the description.
Thursday, October 24th
3:12 p.m. Personal Injury Tritton Hall
A report was received of an injured student at Tritton Hall. The student had fallen off of his scooter and injured his face and hands. Campus Safety transported the student to Bryn Mawr Hospital. Student returned to campus at 1730 hrs. Health Services and the Dean’s Office were contacted and advised.
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