Friday, March 5th
9:21 p.m. Personal Injury Barclay Hall
A report was received of a student in Barclay who had injured her shoulder. The student was transported to Lankenau Hospital by ambulance and was later returned to campus by Campus Safety.
Saturday, March 6th
1:07 a.m. Noise Complaint Gummere Hall
A report was received of a large group of people in the section 2/3 stairwell at Gummere. Officers responded and found no one in the area. Loud music was coming from section 2/2, which was lowered upon request.
1:36 a.m. Noise Complaint Kim Hall
A complaint was received of loud music coming from the second floor common room in Kim Hall. A group of 15 students was in the area; they were asked to lower the music and break up into smaller groups.
2:37 a.m. Noise Complaint Lunt Hall
A complaint was received of loud noise coming from outside of Lunt Hall. Officers asked a small group in the area to lower their voices. A second complaint was received a short time later; the group left the area upon request.
3:43 a.m. Noise Complaint Jones Hall
A complaint was received of a group in the stairwell of Jones Hall being loud, and at least one of the group was not wearing a mask. Officers found three students in the area talking. They were asked to lower their voices; all three were masked.
7:25 p.m. Personal Injury GIAC
A student reported a minor injury and was provided with medical supplies by Campus Safety. The student did not require further medical treatment.
10:50 p.m. Safety Hazard 19 Hannum Drive
Student reported a smell of natural gas at 19 Hannum Drive. Officer sent to location; PECO was notified. On call Facilities notified and responded. Upon inspection, PECO “red tagged” a heater. Residential Life was emailed of the problem.
Sunday, March 5th
1:19 a.m. Noise Complaint Jones Hall
A student called Campus Safety to complain of noise from the 4th floor of Jones. Officer spoke to five students in a common area and asked them to turn down the music. Students complied.
7:54 p.m. Safety Hazard 22 Hannum Drive
Student reported the odor of natural gas at 22 Hannum Drive. The on call Facilities and PECO contacted. PECO, on call Facilities and Facilities supervisor checked the apartment building. A small leak was found near the gas meter; a minor repair was made.
Tuesday, March 7th
10:01 a.m. Personal Injury 22 Hannum Drive
Employee suffered a laceration to hand while working in basement of 22 HCA. The employee was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital by Campus Safety.
1:02 p.m. Bicycle Theft 14 Hannum Drive
A bicycle was discovered missing from in front of 14 HCA sometime during the morning hours. A report was taken and the student refused to have the police contacted.
5:51 p.m. Suspicious Activity Visitor’s Lot
Quarantine trailers 5A and 9A were found unlocked. Interior checks made, area in 5A and 5B appeared disturbed. Pictures taken and the area was secured.
8:22 p.m. Bicycle Theft 11 Hannum Drive
A student reported the theft of a bicycle from the exterior of 11 Hannum Drive. The theft is believed to have occurred Thursday, 3/4 or Friday, 3/5. No police report at this time.
Thursday, March 4th
1:18 p.m. Bicycle Theft 11 Hannum Drive
A student reported a bicycle theft from the area of 11 HCA. The theft is believed to have occurred earlier in the week. The student declined to make a police report.
7:58 p.m. COVID Complaint South Lot
A staff member reported two subjects not wearing masks in the South Parking Lot. They entered a vehicle and were leaving campus. Information was taken on the vehicle and occupants.
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