Friday, March 26th
11:34 p.m. COVID Complaint Lloyd Hall
A student called to report a large crowd in the area of Lloyd Hall. Quaker Bouncers were in the area. All students were masked and asked to spread out for social distancing.
11:55 p.m. Alcohol Related Illness Barclay Hall
A report was received of an ill student in Barclay Hall, possibly due to alcohol consumption. Campus Safety and the on call EMT responded. The student was able to remain in his dorm per the on call EMT.
Saturday, March 27th
12:16 a.m. Noise Complaint Gummere Hall
A student called to complain of noise coming from the 2nd section of Gummere Hall. Students agreed to lower the noise. All students were wearing masks and social distancing was observed.
1:07 a.m. Unauthorized Use Roberts Hall
While checking Roberts Hall, a Campus Safety supervisor observed three students in the auditorium. At the time Roberts was closed to students. The students were identified and escorted from the building.
3:53 p.m. COVID Complaint 19 Hannum Drive
A student reported a large gathering of students behind 19 Hannum Drive and they are not social distancing. Officer reported the students were masked and distanced.
4:12 p.m. Suspicious Persons Kim Hall
A student reported that she saw five juveniles walking around the outside of the GIAC without wearing a masks. Officers stopped two of the five males outside of Kim Hall and advised them to leave the campus. They complied.
Tuesday, March 30th
7:59 p.m. Suspicious Person Lloyd Hall
Campus Safety received a report of a male throwing bottles to the ground in the area of Lloyd green. No one was found in the area. A small amount of glass was found on the walkway between Roberts and Union. The glass was removed by Campus Safety.
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