Friday, March 12th
1:59 p.m. Property Damage Walton Road
Vehicle damaged a curb by Walton Rd and Carter Rd gate when the driver attempted to drive around the Main Line Security vehicle.
10:07 p.m. Noise Complaint 19 Hannum Drive
Campus Safety responded to a noise complaint which was received for the tents behind HCA 19. Students were wearing masks and social distancing. Students agreed to keep the noise down.
Saturday, March 13th
3:12 a.m. Noise Complaint Lloyd Hall
Quaker Bouncers notified Campus Safety of noise outside of Lloyd. Campus Safety officers arrived on location and saw students wearing masks and socially distancing. Students were asked to lower their voices complied.
11:26 p.m. Noise Complaint Tritton Hall
A notification was received from a student of a large gathering at Tritton Hall of about 50 people. Quaker Bouncers went to investigate and dispersed the group.
Sunday, March 14th
12:27 a.m. Large Gathering Founders Hall
A Campus Safety Officer reported a large gathering at Founders Green of 30+ students. In addition, some students had gained entry of Founders Hall. Students fled as officer approached them. The group outside dispersed. Quaker Bouncers responded as well. Students were masked, but not very distanced.
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