Saturday, February 15th
12:55 a.m. Personal Illness Gummere
A student in Gummere complained of being sick. EMT was notified and checked the student. Student chose not go to the hospital.
5:40 a.m. Security Check Visitor’s Lot
Officer heard an alarm sounding from a vehicle in the Visitor’s Parking Lot. Upon further investigation, a vehicle door was found ajar. The inside of the vehicle did not appear to have been disturbed.
Sunday, February 16th
10:50 a.m. Unauthorized Use Gummere
An unauthorized person was found using a vacant unit in Gummere Hall. Person was removed and unit was secured.
3:02 p.m. Vehicular Accident College Lane
A Bryn Mawr College faculty member reported another vehicle rear-ended his car while he was stopped on College Lane at Lancaster Avenue. Lower Merion Police responded for a report.
Monday, February 17th
8:11 p.m. Property Damage Carter Road
A student struck another vehicle while parking on Carter Road, causing minor damage. A report was taken. The student left a note on the damaged vehicle.
Wednesday, February 19th
8:10 a.m. Property Damage Dining Center
A Dining Center employee struck a cement wall while attempting to navigate around another vehicle. Minor damage was caused to the Dining Services vehicle.
Thursday, February 20th
10:22 p.m. Theft from Building Dining Center
A student reported a possible theft of Airpods (headphones) and $20-$60 in cash from his book bag while in the Dining Center on Wednesday, February 18th. The possible theft occurred while the student was eating dinner. No police report filed at this time.
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