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Campus Safety Brief, 1/28/22 – 2/3/22

Friday, January 28th  

5:57 p.m. Theft from Vehicle Hannum Drive

A Bryn Mawr College student reported that on Thursday, 1/27/22, around 2230 hrs., she found a female sleeping in her car, which was parked in the small lot next to 10 Hannum Dr.  The student later discovered several items were stolen from her vehicle.  Haverford Township Police were notified and a Safety Alert was issued by Campus Safety.

7:14 p.m.                         Personal Injury Comfort Hall

A student was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital by Campus Safety with a burn caused by boiling water. The Dean on Call and Health Services were notified.

10:15 p.m.                         Property Damage Founders Hall

A ground floor window at Founders Hall was found damaged. The bottom half of the window had fallen inside the building and three window panes were broken.  The frame was put back in place and the window was secured.  It is unknown as to how the damage occurred.

Saturday, January 29th    

12:17 a.m.                         Noise Complaint Gummere Hall

A complaint was received of loud voices coming from the green area of Gummere. All was quiet upon the arrival of Campus Safety.

1:39 a.m. Alcohol Related Illness Gummere Hall

A report was received of an ill student due to alcohol consumption in Gummere Hall. The student was checked by the on-call EMT and was permitted to remain on campus. 

Sunday, January 30th     

1:32 a.m.                         Noise Complaint 30 Hannum Drive

A report was received of loud music coming from 30 Hannum Drive, first floor. No loud music was discovered upon the arrival of Campus Safety. 

Wednesday, February 2nd     

12:13 p.m.                         Property Damage 8 College Lane

A resident of 8 College Lane reported damage to a side view mirror on their vehicle. The damage occurred sometime overnight; it is unknown as to what caused the damage.

Thursday, February 3rd   

8:12 p.m.                         Safety Hazard Tritton Hall

Students on the first floor or Tritton Hall reported an odor of what smelled like sulfur. The odor later dissipated; the source could not be determined.

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