Saturday, September 7th
10:24 p.m. Noise Complaint Hannum Drive
A resident of County Line Road reported loud music and noise coming from the Hannum Drive Garage Area. Officers were dispatched to the scene. Loud music was found to be coming from 19 Hannum Drive. Students complied with a request to lower the volume.
11:40 p.m. Alcohol Related Illness 38 Hannum Drive
A report was received of a Bryn Mawr student who was sick from an alcohol related illness at 38 Hannum Dr. The student was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital by ambulance. The Graduate Assistant and Bryn Mawr College Campus Safety were notified.
11:59 p.m. Alcohol Related Illness Barclay Hall
A report was received of a student who was in his room sick from an alcohol related illness at Barclay Hall. The student was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital by ambulance. The Graduate Assistant was notified.
Sunday, September 8th
12:20 a.m. Alcohol Related Illness Gummere Hall
Campus Safety received a report of an intoxicated student at Gummere Hall. The student was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital by ambulance. The Graduate Assistant was notified.
1:09 a.m. Alcohol Related Illness 30 Hannum Drive
Campus Safety received a report of an intoxicated student at 30 Hannum Drive. EMS and police notified. The student was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital by ambulance. The Graduate Assistant was notified.
11:13 p.m. Suspicious Person Nature Trail
A student reported a male approached her on the Nature Trail and told her to be quiet. He was last seen running between the Campus Center and the GIAC towards the Field House. All areas were checked but the individual could not be located.
Monday, September 9th
10:20 p.m. Trespass Campus
A student reported seeing an ex-boyfriend, who had been issued a trespass letter, around campus in recent days. Attempts are being made to contact the individual.
Thursday, September 12th
12:42 p.m. Odor of Gas Tritton Hall
A student reported an odor of gas on the first floor of Tritton Hall. Officers and a Facilities worker checked the building, but no odor was detected.
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