Friday, April 26, 2019 through Thursday May 2, 2019
Saturday, April 27th
12:23 a.m. Noise Complaint 10 Hannum Dr
A noise complaint was received for HCA 19. HCA 19 was quiet. The complaint was actually for HCA 10. Officer requested volume to be lowered. Individuals complied.
12:55 p.m. Personal Injury Featherbed Field
A Swarthmore alumn injured his right knee while participating in a lacrosse match. He was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital by ambulance.
Sunday, April 28th
1:06 a.m. Personal Injury 10 Hannum Drive
A student reported that there was an unconscious student at the bottom of the basement steps at HCA 10. Upon the arrival of officers, the student had been helped outside and was semi-conscious. He had been drinking and could not recall the incident. He was transported to Lankenau Hospital by ambulance with a head injury.
8:45 p.m. Noise Complaint Drinker
An anonymous caller reported loud music coming from Drinker Hall. Students turned down the music upon request. A second complaint was received at 11:15 pm; students again turned down the music upon request.
Tuesday, April 30th
11:52 a.m. Personal Injury Campus Center
A campus visitor suffered a minor injury to his left ankle while in the Campus Center. He received first aid from the responding officer, and refused any further medical attention.
Wednesday, May 1st
5:48 p.m. Suspicious Persons Carter Road
A student reported that he observed two females on Carter Road looking into cars and recording license plate numbers with their cell phones. The females were identified as high school students who were playing a game on their phones, having to collect out of state license plates.
Thursday, May 2nd
8:45 p.m. Theft INSC
A student reported the theft of her wallet from her book bag, which was left unattended for a short period in Hilles. A police report was filed.
11:50 p.m. Noise Complaint 19 Hannum Drive
An anonymous caller reported loud music coming from HCA 19. Officers reported that a party had recently ended and the hosts were cleaning up.
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