Each week, Students’ Council releases meeting minutes to the Haverford community. The ideas represented in these minutes do not necessarily reflect verified facts, nor do they necessarily capture all of any speaker’s intended point. The original document released by Students’ Council can be found here.
Sunday 21 April 2019
Officer Updates
- Mariana/Katie: We reached out to facilities about the door situations in the DC and the VCAM. They responded very quickly and are already working to fix both problems. They said, “The door closers on the DC doors to the patio are being adjusted so that they will close more slowly. Three of the closers need to be replaced. They have been ordered and will be installed as soon as they arrive. There are no handles on the outside of the doors because these doors are egress doors. Also in the past we have looked at installing handles but decided against it because it would allow people to enter the DC from the patio bypassing the station to pay for meals. We have ordered Push-Pull signs for VCAM doors. They should arrive by Tuesday and will be installed.”
- Claire Cai: I met with SAAC on Tuesday. We talked about Div3 week and the Senior Awards Ceremony. I also brought up WeSpeak. Historically the Joe Schwartz event has ended around 3PM, and since WeSpeak is slated to start at 3PM, there is enough time for participants of the Joe Schwartz event to also attend WeSpeak. I also met with Wendy Smith on Wednesday. We talked about WeSpeak. There were no updates from the administrative side.
- Katie Guild: Due to the fact that it is late in the semester and SLO plans many events and activities during this time that look similar to those we proposed, Ethan and I have decided to hold off on implementing our project, and it will hopefully begin next semester. We really want to make a statement and grab students’ attention and we feel as though having activities on founders during a time when things like that are already being done to relieve stress would not allow our goal to be clearly present or understood.
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