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Students’ Council Minutes 4/11/21

Margaret: So we’re still looking for the Reciprocal Community Connections StuCo rep, it is paid and it’s over the summer. If any of you are interested, let me know!

Evan: Did you get the news about the search committee for campus safety? They’re looking for a new chief officer and they want us to help in the search.

Dex: any other updates?

Noorie: Beyond the Bell has been doing the campus history tour, I’ve heard great things.

Evan: I went and one of our alums (Rebecca Fisher) gives a tour on campus and talks about haverford’s history from a social justice standpoint. It’s great, you all should go. There’s also a virtual aspect if you’re not on campus. Sign up sheet if you’re interested:

Amolina: I also went, it was awesome, really recommend.

JLo: I met with SAAC to start some conversations surrounding the athlete/non-athlete divide and the reaction around spring sport cancellation. They sent an email out condemning the ridiculousness that was going on, specifically the misogynistic language against President Raymond. Some members of SC met with SAAC, to kind of hear what people’s experiences are. I’m going to check in with him next week about a plan to talk to the captains for both this year and next. And then Nevin Caple (outside consultant) will be working with the coaches to make sure they understand their roles in the divide. It seems like it’s being addressed so far, I know there’s conversations about masking around last night, so we can talk about that.

Evan: If anyone would be interested in working with me to open up more study spaces on campus, let me know.  There aren’t a lot of study spaces, especially for seniors. Dean Bylander said all classrooms and spaces are technically available, but you have to do EMS and call campus safety, so it’s not super feasible.

JLo: Can we ask about making some 24-hour days in the library?

Evan: That sounds good, we can talk about that especially for thesis and finals week. If you have any study spaces in mind also let me know.

Evan: Ok, time to discuss Plenary. I thought we can open the discussion by just reviewing the timeline. The workshop was amazing, most of Honor Council showed up to discuss. Does anything seem unclear or confusing on the timeline? I guess one thing is we’re assigning drafts this Friday and then by next Sunday we’ll take a look at them before they get published. Anything you’ve heard about plenary so far?

Fiona: I have a question about the timeline. Would the time to make friendly amendments be during “resolution, period”? So we should include that language so people recognize. Also when we send reminder emails, we should make it a google calendar event so it will remind them automatically. 

Dex: On that note, publicity is a big thing. We really don’t want special plenary, so any ideas to get people engaged?

Noorie: I know we can’t table at the DC anymore but maybe we could table on founders? We could have a couple of tables set up with computers so people can vote on there.

Sam: If there was like a QR code that we could put up in the DC, so people could scan while they were waiting in line? 

Jlo: Also in library bathrooms and the like, so people are sure to see it.

Erin: What about I voted stickers?

Dex: I like stickers, but I wonder if people would like them? They do cost money, so stickers or more Ben and Jerrys? I think incentives that make plenary fun are important.

JLo: Is pinwheel day happening? Like is there anyway to tie that in?

Dex: I don’t know what’s happening with Pinwheel day. The pinwheel committee is very opaque.

Evan: Another option is giving out smaller snacks across the week–like if you vote more you can get more candy.

Evan: We can talk about work distribution. So we’ll have to do tabling, set up won’t be a big thing, but if anyone wants to design the plenary packet? Zoom hosting, which Dex and I can take care of. So the budget.

Dex: I’ve got two ideas. The first one, the idea is we get a bunch more outdoor chairs, and maybe outdoor tables?

[Lots of head nodding]

Dex: Ok great. 

JLo: Is there a way for us to get charging stations outside? So people can be out there with their computers for longer periods of time.

Dex: Is anyone interested in getting these? Ok Erin and Sam. Shoot me an email with a budget, and I’ll send it on. The other thing is Mike Elias would start like to getting plans for renovations together. One thing he’s really interested in is Lunt basement, as a space that’s mostly utilized by performing arts and affinity groups, and it really needs updating. It would shift so only certain groups could use it–affinity groups and performing arts performances.

Noorie: would it have the same layout or is that open to change?

Dex: Definitely open to change.

JLo: I’m really confused how North Dorms becoming a first year dorm coincides with this. Because when it was an upperclass dorm people could choose to live there with all the associated noise, but if first years have to live there.

Dex: That is something to think about.

Erin: If it’s going back to upperclass dorms eventually, it might still be worth it.

Evan: In general, basement spaces aren’t that great for affinity group spaces, so I’m worried about this because basement spaces tend to be hard to maintain. If it’s supposed to be like a lounge space rather than a party space, it might not be great.

Dex: It is a party space, just one for people who aren’t athletes.

Sam: I’m fairly certain that Lunt Cafe has been trying to be turned into the FGLI lounge and there was money allocated. Is that not happening?

Dex: The money still exists. The project is put on hold because of COVID, It might be in Lunt Cafe, or the Campus Center billiards room, it just depends. 

Sam: BLAST also bought a ton of lighting and sound equipment before COVID, we wanted to maybe put in James House?

Dex: There are a lot of competing interests on James House, so lets table that.

Evan: If we can’t come to a decision by the end of the semester, I wonder if it would be possible to pass it off to the next StuCo?

Dex: I had a conversation with Mike about this last week, there’s no way we’ll spend it all this sem. So I think we should try to spend some, and then pass on the rest.

Noorie: clearness committee should be scheduled to convene next year so they could also be tasked with making recommendations about the $$$$. Maybe next spring?

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