Friday, February 6th
10:34 a.m. Safety Hazard Lloyd Hall
Several callers reported a burning odor in the vicinity of Lloyd and the Dining Center. The odor was found to have been caused by a fire along Haverford Road (off campus).
5:49 p.m. Fire Alarm Lunt Hall
Campus Safety responded to a fire alarm at Lunt Hall. Activation was in the first floor lounge. Activation caused by marijuana smoke in the first floor lounge. Alarm reset.
10:47 p.m. Noise Complaint Lloyd Hall
A student reported loud music and noise coming from Lloyd Hall. Officer spoke to students who turned down the music upon request. At 23:38 hrs. a second complaint was received. Party was shut down by officers.
Saturday, February 7th
7:18 p.m. Fire Alarm Lunt Hall
Fire Alarm activation at Lunt Hall. The activation was caused by marijuana smoke in room 34-E (common room).
Sunday, February 8th
12:01 a.m. Personal Illness Lunt Hall
A Quaker Bouncer reported a student ill due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages at Lunt Hall. The Nurse on Call was notified. Student cleared to remain on campus.
3:06 a.m. Suspicious Circumstances GIAC
The student escort golf cart appeared to have been pushed down an embankment by unknown individuals. Cart was not damaged.
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