Attendance: Victoria, Yehyun, Claire, Emma, Thea, Yasmin, Adam, Tim, Julia, Kabir, Grant, Oliver, Kelly, Jack, Ben, Grace, Yuriko. Bukky, Coco, Caroline, Luke, Callie, Aaron, Keyla, Tristan
1. Introductions
2. Co-President’s goals for the year
3. Upcoming events / Organization
Yehyun: Welcome to our introductory meeting. I am so excited to be working with you. Today we will go through a couple things such as our goals, what do we as co-presidents want to lead and initiatives. We will talk about plenary because there is a lot to plan. Really today is so we can know each other’s faces and what we want to work on. Also show you how we can help you work on your projects.
Victoria: Our agenda today will start with intros, then we will talk about initiatives we have and then general expectation for you guys and then to hold us to. We will talk about events like the retreat and plenary, and overall StuCo communication. Everyone should have the slides emailed, there will be links we will be using. You can also access them on your own time. So our intros. Looking around the room, you probably might know some people, but let’s do some general introductions.
Yeyhun: I am Yeyhun. I am a senior, poli sci major. I use he/him pronouns. I am one of the co-presidents. I am really excited to get to know each and every one of you and to navigate this year.
Victoria: My name is Victoria, I also go by Tori, they/them pronouns. I am a junior, biology major. I am also a co-president. This year I am excited for plenary. Sitting at the front and running it will be fun.
Claire: I am a sophomore, probably a comp lit major, my pronouns are she/her. I am one of the co-librarians, Yasmin and I were talking about doing a history of StuCo and that would be fun.
Emma: I am Emma, I am a senior, bio major, my pronouns are she/her. I am one of your co-secretaries. I am excited for the facilities fund and deciding what we will use that on.
Thea: I am Thea, senior math major, she/her pronouns, I am the other co-secretary. Something I am excited for is looking at more policies to revise with admin. We did the posting policy and email policy last year.
Yasmin: I am Yasmin, I am a junior, I am an econ and math double major. I use she/her pronouns. I am one of the librarians. I am excited to work with Claire and Tim on the exhibition, it is still an idea in progress. If you know any where we can find info on the history of StuCo, that would be great. We are already talking to the college’s archivist.
Adam: Hi I am Adam, senior, math major, he/him pronouns, and I am the senior class rep. In my campaign statement I promised a bomb ass senior week so my goal is to deliver on that.
Julie: I am Julia, senior, math and spanish double major, I use she/her pronouns. I am the junior elections coordinator, I am excited to be running elections for the next year.
Tim: I am Tim, sophomore, prospective chem major, treasurer librarian. I am excited to be here for the full year.
Caroline: I am Caroline, a soc major, I am one of the honor council co-chairs. I am excited to see how this ryear goes. We may be working on a clearness committee which hasn’t been run since 2019. We also want to add things about ai/chaatgbt.
Julie: I am Julie, a junior, anthropology major, she/her pronouns, I am the officer of the arts and I am excited to put together the fall art festival and to start working on advertising and merch for plenary.
Coco: My name is Coco. I am a junior and linguistics major. I use she/her pronouns and I am the international student rep. I am excited to keep working on the lounge and supporting international students in general as they have barriers the college might not be aware of.
Luke: I am Luke, a senior, astrophysics major, he/him pronouns, I am the other honor council co-chair, honestly I was going to say the exact same thing as Caroline. I am excited to meet a lot of new people on honor council this year.
Kelly: I am Kelly, I’m a senior chem major. I use she/her pronouns. I am back again as student life officer. I am excited to throw events. I also want to choose the haverfest co-heads end of October, and also since I am a senior, a lot of my documents will disappear, so I want to make sure I keep them.
Jack: I am Jack, sophomore, math and bio double major, he/him pronouns. I am the officer of academics and I am excited for my first year on StuCo and to get more connected.
Aaron: I’m Aaron, I am a sophomore, I am a prospective sociology and french major. I use he/him and I am the sophomore rep. I am excited to be on StuCo. I want to promote engagement and make sure that sophomores know who I am and can voice their desires and wants.
Kabir: I am Kabir, junior, CS major, he/him pronouns, I am returning as a Stuco VP. I am excited for the exec board meetings where we review budget appeals. That is always fun.
Grant: I’m Grant, I am a junior, physics major, he/him pronouns. I am also a VP. I am excited to work on redoing the entire constitution as currently it is not very readable.
Bukky: I am Bukky, senior she/her pronouns, poli sci major. I am the officer of multiculturalism. I am excited to be a part of StuCo and represent students of color on campus.
Yuriko: Hi everyone I am Yuriko, senior, she/her pronouns I am an anthropology major, I am the senior board of managers rep. I am excited to have more visibility around the board and continue the work I have been doing with the board and advocate for more attention and resources for affinity groups and other groups on campus.
Oliver: I am Oliver, I am a junior, astrophysics major, he/him pronouns, I am one of the co-treasurers. We have a lot of budgeting to do this month and then afterwards we will be serving on the administrative advisory committee to look over the college’s budget and we can give our input. I think we will talk more about student wages.
Ben: I am Ben, I am a junior, a religion major. I use he/him pronouns, I am the junior class rep to the board. I am excited to meet the board and perhaps have them listen to me.
Callie: I am Callie, senior poli sci major, she/her pronouns. I am the honor council senior rep and I am excited to be here.
Grace: I am Grace, she/her pronouns. I am senior, technically a super senior. This is my fifth year here believe it or not. I am an English major. I serve as the officer of access and disability inclusion. I am excited to increase access and accessibility aon Haverford’s campus. I think that was my answer last year but it is always a work in progress. I have good ideas for facilities fund and some other initiatives.
Keyla: I am Keyla, she/her pronouns, senior econ and spanish majors. I am one of the JSAAP co-heads on campus. And I am excited to be more involved.
Tristan: I am Tristan, he/him pronouns, bio major. I am the other JSAAP Co-head. I am excited to be at these meetings and meet everyone.
Co-President’s goals for the year
Yehyun: Thank you everyone. This is our team. I am super excited to hear what everyone is looking forward to. To share about what we want to work on. First, we want to work with the NEST. Haverford has food insecurity, the DC does not have the most accessible times, and food available on campus at certain times is very limited. We brought this up with the board in the spring of last year and they were shocked to hear that students feel this way. We are also in contact with the NEST co-heads. We are going to meet with IDEA about how we can best fund the NEST. NEST is funded by StuCo and it takes a huge chunk of the budget. It takes a lot of the budget to pay our student workers and groceries, but food insecurity should be something that the school manages. The NEST needs more money than StuCo can provide also. We want the school to take accountability for food insecurity.
Our 2nd initiative is about reproductive health resources. We have been in contact with the reproductive health liaisons, and health services. One of the things we want to touch base on is how reproductive health resources should be available to everyone across campus. It shouldn’t be one place that is not open 24/7. Also reproductive health drawers are filled by student workers. There is a lot of labor by students. The labor should be done by the school and not by students. We want to provide more funding or the reproductive health liaisons.
The 3rd thing is about communication and especially about how we as presidents can communicate to the student body. One thing we have experienced is that some students may not have the most consumable way of understanding what StuCo does. One of the ways we want to expand that is through tabling. Wawa with Wendy can draw crowds, and we want to table to bring students to us and talk to us. Another thing is using the insta page to bring more consumable and accessible media about what we are doing. We want to tackle the social aspect, the co-secs handle the email, and they have been doing an incredible job. We want to make sure info gets to the student body, but we also want to make some of it fun. We want to change our image to be more friendly and less intimidating.
Upcoming events / Organization
Yehyun: This is something we are bringing in as the semester is just starting. We are also going to learn about how much work has been done for these initiatives. We are also aware the campus can be dynamic, we are bringing this in a blank slate. We are receptive to what are the most pressing matters and issues that the student body should be in the front of the priority list.
Victoria: Next, we want to make sure that you can meet with us and talk with us about goals and projects. For check-in meetings, we will do at least 3 times a semester. At the very least, once a month or so. You can schedule meetings with us, and it will be your responsibility to let us know about this and keep us updated. The big thing to take away is what would you like to do this year. We don’t expect those check ins to start next week, you can meet with us in late september.
Next, general meetings are with the entirety of StuCo. We have to pick a time for our weekly meetings. We will just be using these meetings to talk about what’s been going on for the week, plenary, and whatever topics you guys bring to us. We will also have weekly Exec Board meetings.
Yehyun: What we also want to establish is our culture and what we want to build together. We want to build on last year, but this is also our first time. The first thing is we are still learning and we are learning with and from you. This comes with a lot of patience, this first couple weeks we might need some guidance. We might need to be reminded of who to contact and so on. We want to also continue the work that was laid down last year. What we really want is to encourage guidance, criticism and dialogue. We don’t want a hierarchy feel where people won’t challenge each other and bring questions. We look forward to receiving feedback from you guys. I really hope that this council can be fun. We really want this to be a productive and constructive time.
Victoria: Please hold us accountable. Moving forward, upcoming events we have to think about the semester, the retreat. This is the 27-28th. It is a little later than last year. Jodi is working on getting an updated room sheet so that everyone can get a bed. We have a tentative timeline put together for the retreat.
Next is plenary. The big notification is plenary will be November 10th. We have a tentative timeline. The big dates we want to highlight are we will release the timeline on September 16. Yehyun and I will be leading resolution writing workshops at the end of September and start of October. We want to space this stuff out so students have a lot of time to work on resolutions. The other thing that we want to make sure is that the packet will be released a week before plenary. This way if there are friendly/unfriendly amendments there is time to add them. Plenary is in week 10 of the academic year.
We will be including the StuCo meetings and other deadlines. For budgeting, this date we have here for now. We will confirm with the treasurers once they become more familiar with our task delegating page. We need to figure out when budgeting should be submitted by.
Grace: What time will plenary be at? Last year we wanted to make it earlier but then dining services weren’t happy because brunch ends at 2.
Victoria: We were thinking of a 2pm start, but it isn’t concrete yet.
Grace: Last year it started at like 1:45 so a little earlier. But it actually started at 2pm.
Victoria: We will also talk more about that as a council in general at our next meeting. Right now, we want you to fill out roles. If you haven’t signed up on our google sheet yet please do. Depending on your subcommittee, you might have to spend some moolah, use the budget section to keep track of what we are buying. This means that you should get your committee together soon as the budget needs to be in by September 22nd. We also have plenary tasks for day of. We will come back to this sheet later, but does anyone have questions about plenary?
Next, we made a slack. It is very empty. The sooner you can join the better. As of today, we don’t know what channels we will need, so we will add more throughout the year. The goal is for it to be in between an email and a groupme. It is good for quick questions. Keep your calendar updated. We don’t require you to use google calendar, we will send invites through google calendar though. Make sure you keep things organized. We are the type of people where if I am sending you a reminder for the meeting it will be the hour before, if that is not early enough make sure you set reminders for yourself. Just check the slack frequently and your email.
Alright, any questions? Thank you for coming. If you need to contact us, email or message us on slack.
Yehyun: Make sure to email both of us and reply all so we are all in the same link.
Victoria: We will also update this slide with the link to login details you all will need. Any last questions, comments or concerns? If you haven’t done the when to meet please stay and get that out of the way. Thank you for coming by. We will see you once it’s been decided.
Yehyun: Thank you for coming.
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