Attendance: Victoria, Emma, Yehyun, Thea, Kabir, Grant, Oliver, Jorja, Yasmin, Tim, Claire
Agenda: Link To Agenda
1. Call to Order (1:00-1:02)
2. Roll Call (1:02-1:05)
3. Adoption of Agenda (1:05-1:06)
4. Approval of Minutes (1:06-1:07)
5. Community Comments (1:07-1:17)
6. Old Business (1:17-1:27)
7. New Business 1 (1:27-1:42): Facilities Fund
The StuCo Co-Secretaries will give an introduction to the facilities fund and the timeline for the fund. They will discuss potential ideas for the semester.
8. New Business 2 (1:42-1:57): Appointments Committee
The StuCo Co-Vice Presidents will give an introduction to the appointment’s committee and discuss where we are in the appointments process.
9. Adjournment (1:57-2:00)
Call to Order
Victoria: I call this meeting to order at 1:05pm.
Emma: More than half of Exec board is in attendance. Quorum has been met.
Victoria: I move to adopt the agenda. I also move to approve the minutes. Any concerns? The agenda is adopted and the minutes are approved.
Emma: There is no one here for community comment. There is no old business to discuss.
Facilities Fund
Emma: The facilities fund is 35k that is set aside annually for StuCo to use for a renewal and replacement project on campus. It has to go towards something that is “non-necessary” and improves campus life. Ideas should be sustainable, meaning that they should be able to keep running on their own for years to come, and they should be aimed at benefiting a majority of students on campus. Past uses for the facility fund have included the blue bus stop by the north dorms, the fire pit outside the DC and last years being the renovation of the skate house.
Thea: The StuCo Co-Secretaries serve as the chairs for this fund. Ideas can be submitted through the form that is linked each week to the StuCo Newsletter. The Co-Secretaries will present submitted ideas to all of StuCo, and the top ideas will then be reviewed with the Facilities Director, Don Campbell. The selected project will be announced after Fall Break. We try to make sure ideas are in early, as if not then the project can’t happen. The money does not roll over from year to year, so if we don’t use it one year then it’s essentially gone.
Emma: We have already received six submissions to the form, so we will go through these now.
Thea: One of the submitted ideas is to add doors to showers in gum, the north dorms, and other dorms. So unfortunately we probably would not be able to use the facilities fund for something like this because this falls under dorm improvements.
Emma: Two of the other ideas were to partner up with bouncers to start a Quick Respond Squad and to put a smoothie bar in the DC, GIAC, or Coop. We think these are great ideas but they would require yearly funding to upkeep so we wouldn’t be able to use the facilities fund for this.
Thea: Someone also suggested adding recycling bins around campus. This is a possibility, however we would need to talk to facilities as it would require people coming and picking up the recycling and potentially changing those schedules. Two other ideas were renovating the playground near Lutnick and improving some of the gym equipment. These are both ideas that we are excited about and are hoping to propose to Don.
Emma: One of the other things to consider is that there are funds set for accessibility aside, like they are using that to fix up the sidewalks along college ave. They don’t want us to use the facilities fund for accessibility as it is technically a necessity.
Thea: Any questions?
Victoria: Do we know about that traffic station by the entrance
Thea: I think that went up during Covid when campus was closed. I think they only use it for big events on campus like Alumni week.
Kabir: By when do you expect to make a decision on the fund?
Thea: Fall break.
Yasmin: What would the gym equipment enhancement involve?
Emma: We’re not sure, we have to discuss with facilities. We don’t have a specific plan until we talk to Don.
Yehyun: What about an outdoor volleyball court in the apartment’s lawn.
Victoria: It could just be a court in general, like basketball too.
Yehyun: All the courts are on the north part.
Victoria: Are you still taking submissions?
Thea: Yes, we will probably close it a week or two before fall break.
Emma: There is a form in the StuCo newsletter. Maybe we should think of a better way to advertise like with postering.
Kabir: For the 2030 plan they had a table that had pictures of what was done before and what they want to do in the future, we could do something like that
Yehyun: Can we use the facilities fund to revamp the cricket house?
Thea: Can anyone go in?
Victoria: It is a library too so I think anyone can go in.
Emma: That is a good potential idea.
Yehyun: I was wondering if we could make the cricket house more friendly.
Jorja: One idea I had was building a sensory room on campus where students can go to decompress.
Victoria: It could be in the library, I like that idea.
Appointments Process
Grant: The appointments committee is meeting for the first time this Sunday from 1-2. We’ve been contacting a lot of the committee chairs to make sure that they know we are looking to appoint reps to their committees. We streamlined the process this year where we reached out first. We have a good spreadsheet of committees that need students and want students to return. We will send an hc-all email Monday or Tuesday following up on appointments for the junior rep.
Kabir: This Sunday we are going to do appointments for honor council Junior rep and sophomore rep, and StuCo junior rep. Following that we will contact those people if we approve someone. The following week we will release nominations for the shared governance committees. Every committee from last year has reregistered. We are only waiting on one committee to get back to us. We will look to appoint people within a week, max 10 days.
Grant: Last year it took until November to get people appointments and we are 2.5 months ahead of that schedule this year.
Victoria: Who on the committee is actually actively participating.
Grant: Every class rep and pretty much every officer except international student rep isn’t in the constitution to be on the committee. The international rep is still invited to meetings.
Kabir: Members of StuCo and relevant committees are welcome to sit in.
Grant: The honor council co-chairs will be there.
Claire: I added the link to the facilities fund to the StuCo Website.
Victoria: Thank you all for coming. Meeting adjourned.
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