Photo Essay by Maxwell Cox ‘23, Edited by Arshiya Bhayana ‘22
Students wait for Plenary to begin as the gap required to reach quorum shrinks.
One student finds a secluded space to work before the event begins.
After a speech by the Alliance of Latin American Students (ALAS) protesting the lack of planning for a Latinx center, students scan a QR code that will automatically send emails about the future of Latinx life at Haverford to school administration.
President Wendy Raymond speaks with members of ALAS after their speech.
Attendance is taken at the door as the crowd becomes closer and closer to satisfying quorum.
After the quorum is met, JSAAPP Co-Chairs Cyrus Bahadori ‘21 and Kathryn Correia ‘20 make remarks prior to the ratification of the Alcohol Policy.
Clearness Committee member Riley Wheaton ‘20 presents a resolution changing the membership and term length of future Clearness Committees.
Students vote to approve the Clearness Committee resolution.
Members of the Committee for Environment Responsibility (CER) present a resolution entitled “Respect Living Spaces,” which integrates proper move-out procedures into the Honor Code.
Students rush to grab pizza during a break from the proceedings.
Honor Council Co-Chairs Soha Saghir ‘21 and Carter Patterson ‘20 deliver the State of the Code address before students officially opened the code for ratification.
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