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The Class of 2020

3.75 of 4 years

By the numbers:
351 students
1 “Greek Life”-themed customs week
1 stage removed
1 tree fenced off
1 rabid raccoon
2 Snow Balls
2 Presidents
2 wins for Gummere (Dorm Olympics and Do It in the Dark)
3 Pinwheel Days
3 Haverfests (Fords in Wonderland, Fords on the Boardwalk, & Field Day)
5? snow days
8 Plenaries & 1 Special Plenary
So many Centennial wins & Havercat sightings
Countless Wawa runs
1,000? pints of Ben & Jerry’s on election night

Magill —> Lutnick
Ryan —> VCAM
Benston → Raymond
8 person customs —> 3? person customs

BMC Customs Cousins
Haverstalk (“Haverford Contacts”)
Primal Scream
Magill tiers and the boat
Lunt Cafe

On a more serious note:
Our four years weren’t just a series of interesting anecdotes. We grew personally, we learned a lot, we changed the school, and we also dealt with tragedy. Our four years were bookended by heartbreak: our first semester saw what many experienced to be a traumatic presidential election that shook the college and America, and our last semester was tragically upended by the pandemic. These current events were formative to our experience of Haverford and will forever shape our memories of our time here.

As the class of 2020 graduates (however that might look), a lot of institutional memory leaves with us. But that is the nature of an institution like Haverford—the following classes will fill that gap, and the college will continue.

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