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Submit Your Haver-conundrums to HaverHelp!

After a few years off from Dear Haverfriend, we’re excited to bring back the Clerk’s advice column, this time as HaverHelp. While we are proud of Haverfriend’s advice to the ‘Fords of 2016, the HaverHelp reboot will include advice from a new Haverfriend—an upperclassman knowledgable about resources and support on campus—as well as Haverfiend—an underclassman with a caring heart and excellent sense of humor.

So, if you’d like some sincere or sassy advice on a problem you’re having, submit a question here.

By submitting this form, you agree to allow the Clerk to publish part or all of your response. The Clerk reserves the right to publish or not publish any response for any reason, as well as to alert necessary administration or authorities if any response includes information which we deem to be of concern for any reason. Though all published responses will be published anonymously/with the code name you choose, as well as responded to without Haverfriend or Haverfiend viewing the submitter’s identity, this form does collect email addresses from all submitters. This is simply a measure to ensure the process is treated with respect and that we know the identity of a submission’s author in the unlikely event that we receive a concerning submission.

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