On Wednesday, December 13, tri-co students rallied at Founders Hall in response to the Haverford administration’s demand—communicated in a December 12 meeting with Students for Peace representatives—that students end the week-long sit-in by midnight, and vacate Founders by 9:00 the following morning.

The event, which began at 8:30 am, lasted around 90 minutes and included chants, songs, and speeches from students and faculty.

A few minutes into the rally, President Raymond and Dean McKnight emailed students and faculty, stating that while the College supports peaceful protest, student actions in recent days have “escalated the situation,” claiming that participants were “materially impeding” students and faculty from accessing the building. The College asked students to allow people to pass through the building, claiming failure to cooperate with this request would result in “restorative — not punitive action.”

At around 10 a.m., Kinnan Abdalhamid, the Haverford junior shot in Vermont three weeks ago, presented approximately 500 letters written by students asking for President Raymond to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire to the President’s office.

“Let us remember that silence often speaks louder than words. Today our presence here is a powerful message that we will not stay silent, we will not be passive observers,” Abdalhamid stated in a press release about the event.
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