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From the Editors: Getting Involved as Haverford Community Members

Dear Haverford Community,

We would like to express our solidarity with the black community and state our support for the ongoing protests against police brutality across the nation. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, David McAtee, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others are only the most recent victims of white supremacy in the United States. We urge everyone who is capable, particularly our white peers, to contribute resources to furthering the Black Lives Matter movement. There is zero excuse for complacity right now; everyone has a duty to resist systemic racism. However, we also want to recognize our own shortcomings. The Clerk has struggled at times to represent the college’s diversity of experience—our current editor-in-chief is the third white woman in a row to hold the position. As such, we commit ourselves to improving our outreach and welcome all feedback on how we can best uplift marginalized voices in our coverage during the coming year.

As a news organization, we have compiled a list of actions for community members to take in the Haverford and Philadelphia communities. This is by no means exhaustive, and we want to specifically note the many excellent guides created by local advocates. We urge allies to take advantage of these resources. We also invite readers to expand this list by adding a comment; we only ask that you cite your sources and follow the college’s Honor Code. Our goal is to create a guide for Haverford that acknowledges our community’s privileged position, but also gives everyone the opportunity to advance racial justice at the local level.

Finally, as always, we welcome any and all op-eds from students who want a platform to elevate their voices. Regardless of length or polish, email us your thoughts at or reach out to any member of the editorial board.

In solidarity,

Chace Pulley, Editor-in-Chief
David Edelman, Associate Editor

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