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8 Things You Need to Know in the New Semester

Library Moves to Founders During Construction

With Magill Library closed for the foreseeable future, a library space has been set up in Founders. Research librarians, computers and printing, and reservable carrels are now in the Great Hall, where books can also be requested, with a delay to retrieve them from storage. There is now reading space in Founders elevated common room, and many commonly used books are now available in the Locker Building attached to the Alumni Field House.


Lunt Cafe Reopens

Lunt Café is open again for business this semester, with prices returned to $3, as they were before its first closure in the fall.

Urban Churn Ice Cream Comes to the Dining Center

The ice cream available in the Dining Center is now locally sourced from Urban Churn, replacing the Jack and Jill ice cream previously served, after students voted to make the change last semester. The Dining Center has also stopped offering packaged ice cream novelties.



The Weekly Consensus Returns as Source of Information for Students

The Weekly Consensus email has made a return, offering updates on events, deadlines, and opportunities to the Haverford community.

Spring Plenary Planned for February 18; No Signs of Protest

After last semester’s Plenary was marked by the #AllStrugglesOneCode protest that highlighted feelings of marginalization among many students on campus, there has not yet been any indication of a continuation of the protest at Spring Plenary. According to Sebastian Dilones ‘18, lead organizer of last semester’s protest, #AllStrugglesOneCode does not have plans to protest plenary again this spring. Spring plenary is scheduled for Sunday, February 18 at 2 p.m. in the GIAC. Resolutions are due Sunday, February 4.

Haverford Innovations Program to Host Hackathon

Kicking off with a Hackathon the first weekend in February, the Haverford Innovations Program continues its slate of events aimed at supporting and inspiring student entrepreneurial projects.


Still Out of the Loop, but Not for Long

Loop, an app created by Haverford students to replace Havertivity for campus news and communications, has not yet been released to the student body, despite originally having been aimed at a launch early this year. According to Ian Andolsek ‘17, who is involved in Loop, the first version of the app is “ready to go.” Andolsek said that student government has access to Loop, and club leaders will be introduced to it. When it is released to the entire student body, students will have access to Loop online, as well as on their phones.

Club Budgets to Be Settled Soon

This weekend, from the 2nd through the 4th of February, the Students’ Council Co-Treasurers, Cesar Meric ’20 and Saif Kureishi ’20, have been holding budgeting interviews for club spring budgets, to evaluate and revise funding requests from all of Haverford’s student organizations, after the budgeting process was delayed by one week.


Illustrations by Sarah Jesup ’20. 


  1. Saif February 6, 2018

    Hey, just wondering when Student Government is going to get Loop?
    It says in the article that we have it already, but I don’t.

    • Colin Battis Post author | February 6, 2018

      I don’t know, unfortunately, those are the only comments I received and I don’t have any other specifics.

  2. cOle February 6, 2018

    where is l00p! i am the goberment and i have no acess!

    • Colin Battis Post author | February 6, 2018

      haha yes

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